A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I feel like I'm going to throw up.

As usual, I tried to get all my chores done before settling down to watch my show in peace when I discover (GASP!) it didn't record! I KNOW I saw the little symbol thing on the schedule for today, indicating that it was supposed to record.

I seriously want to barf. Is that overboard?

PLEASE tell me someone recorded this. I will pay money to anyone who will give me a copy/let me come over and watch it. Argh, friends of mine who don't care about this show! Especially those of you with Tivo!!!! I shake my fist in frustration!


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no chris! i would be fuming so bad!! you can come over to my place but it would require a 3 hour drive....hmmm...but it's worth it isn't it? hehe.

okay whatever you do, you HAVE to see it! It was really really good! there was this one dance that made me think of you just because of how funny and creative it was. it was with travis and benji dancing together (they called themselves "tranji"--very cute!) i laughed the whole time! the final dance with all 4 was awesome too.

i know everyone's fav is benji but i had to vote for travis last night (just 10 times though..heh)...he just had a GREAT night and i could see him fitting into the celine show better...we'll see.....either of the guys would be great!

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chris, maybe just maybe they'll show tonight's show next week since they said next week's results show will be two hours long. plus, they've done that before...so there is still hope....

At 10:41 PM, Blogger sunju said...

I watched a couple of the routines on gofish, which I learned about through the message boards. I understand that I should be able to download the episode also. I really want to hear what the judges said.
If I can't download it, I may end up driving to Austin, Connie.
Our DVR also skipped recording Blue's Baby Brother, a special one hour presentation celebrating Blue's Clues 10th Anniversary. BOO!


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