A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

More randomness

Could someone PLEASE, for the love of God, watch So You Think You Can Dance? I really need someone to rehash things over with. I really need someone with whom to rehash. That's better, but sounds ridiculous. Anyway, I'm so obsessing over this show and NONE of my friends care. Peter says he doesn't care, but he gets all excited over hip hop routines and always wants to hear what the judges say. It's getting really good, now. Final 8. Good stuff. Check it out.

I had to put up word verification commenting on here. The other day I was checking my email and it said I had 56 junk mail messages. What the heck! It turns out it was some advertiser for poker or something that left comments on every single one of my blogs. I also had someone who had a site for Dark Sin Confession or something post comments on two. Is this common? I dunno...

You know what commercial really annoys me? I don't think it's on anymore, but that Starbucks bottled Frappuccino one where people start doing, like, a stomp routine on the street? REALLY bugs. Like, I turn the channel when it's on. Only one other commercial has ever bothered me so much - the Astroworld one with that old dancing man? Yeah... hated that one. Anyway, these Frappuccino people are all off beat, but not in a way that's like good syncopation. Just totally off. And the white people look ridiculous dancing that way.

I ended up not going to my reunion after all. I guess I'd be there right now had I gone. We didn't have a baby-sitter, and I didn't want to go without Peter. Plus, I was being all wishy washy about it, and by the time I decided I'd go, the price went up to $75 per person. $75 to not have a meal or even drinks and just see people I never really cared much about in the first place. I'd really like to go to my reunion in San Jose. Those are the people I'd known since elementary school. Wonder if I could sneak in somehow...

Ellie finally figured out gum. Took her about 5 times to get it. Now she's addicted. It's the easiest bribe, though, and I don't mind so much as long as it's sugarfree. Plus, it makes her breath smell nice. :) BTW, I found out that her ballet teacher has a studio closer to our house that has classes for just two year olds on Friday. Hooray! We don't have to stop going after the summer now. She's really liking it now. And the teacher said she actually dances! They keep closing the curtain during class... I think it's because of me. Ellie keeps waving at me, and now Hailey is in the class too. Ginny hides so Hailey won't cry more, but she kept looking at me despairingly, like, "Rescue me from this nightmare!" Sad.

Matthew is so much more mellow now. He'll sit by himself for pretty long periods of time now, especially if he can see me. Thank goodness! I was getting pretty tired. He's so smiley now, too. It's just so much more gratifying being a mother when your baby smiles at you. We went to a wedding reception today at church, and he was being passed around quite a bit amongst the Seoul Baptist people. It was decided that he looks like 1) Peter, exactly, 2) me, sort of, 3) my dad's brother (who is MUCH better looking than my dad, added Mrs. Huh), 4) a combination of Danny and Paul (weird), 5) my dad but better looking, 6) Peter's uncle. Mostly, it was the usual response, "Who does he look like?" Apparently, everyone.


At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey do you know sc0tt k1m? he's a friend of d@ve p-rk from college. he's watching so you think you can dance as is his wife. i'm sure he'll discuss it with you.


At 12:33 AM, Blogger jieungrace said...

Hey, my friend Susan Park watches So You Think You Can Dance. I've known her since kindergarten. You should discuss with her!!!! Here's her blog:



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