A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, June 26, 2006

My little man

I'm really into Matthew these days. That sounds weird. He is, after all, my child. He's finally starting to interact and stuff. He's always happy to see me, and now he kinda coos. He says mostly "aya" and gurgles. Then spits up all over me. Anyway, I write so much more about Ellie than Matthew so I'm dedicating today to him. Here are some updates.

His jaundice is almost gone. Two months is a pretty long time to be yellow. The whites of his eyes are now a very pale canary.

He is pooping like a madman. He's had these explosive poos everyday for the past 3 days. I mean, poos that squirt out of his diaper either in the back or the leghole. And breastmilk poo stains like crazy if you don't get it out right away. I think this may coincide with the jaundice going away. Apparently pooping a lot is the way to get the extra bilirubin out of your system... or something like that.

He's a mama's boy. At night when it's time to go to sleep, he only wants me to soothe him. Peter could carry him and rock him for hours to no avail, but when he gets in Mommy's arms he's totally content.

He constantly reminds me of my need to lose weight. Matthew likes being held so that he's standing up. If I stand him on my lap, he'll immediately step up to my tummy roll. If I place him above the roll, he'll solemnly take a few steps back. I don't know if it's just really comfortable and cushy there or what, but it's his favorite spot.

He's not really into his big sister. I've heard of babies that love their older siblings from birth. Like, they get excited or they stop crying or whatever when they see their siblings. Ellie can't get enough of Matthew and has even told me that he likes her the best, but I think more than anything, she just harrasses him. He seems pretty happy when she's not around.

He still doesn't look like anyone. People say he looks more like my side of the family, and I think he favors my mom's side. He doesn't really look like me, though. Definitely not Peter, although the general consensus is that his eyes are more Jung. When his eyes are closed and his mouth is open he sort of looks like my brother. Also when he's sleeping and he does this goofy smile. He has Danny's long eyelashes, as does Ellie.

He's a cuddle bunny. I know, I know. It's not right to call him a bunny, but that's a term I use with Ellie. He's been sleeping in the bed with me and he'll somehow scooch over to me so that I wake up with him smooshed up against me, no matter where I've placed him initially. (He sleeps on his tummy, by the way.) Paranoid parents, don't freak out. I've never rolled over him. Sometimes he'll wake up and fuss, but if I put my hand on him he stops. In general, he just wants someone to be touching him at all times. Which is tiring sometimes. OK, a lot of times.

I wondered what it'd be like to have a boy. Turns out, it IS different... somehow. I can't explain how. But it's nice. :) I call him Bubby, short for Baby Bubber. Here are some recent pictures of him. He's discovered his fist, so it's in most of his pictures. BTW, I spike his hair up intentionally. He just looks better like that.


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the hair

At 4:53 PM, Blogger slugnut said...

i need to call him Matthew. if i call him Matt, i feel like i'm talking to myself.

At 5:01 PM, Blogger ciaoirene said...

SCARY!!!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS LIKE DANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha.


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