A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Argh. Today was a frustrating day. Ellie has hit her terrible twos with a vengeance. As soon as I tell her NOT to do something, she does it with this look on her face that drives me nuts. I think she knows it's bad to disobey, but I don't know that she gets HOW bad it is. She had 4 time outs today. For one of them, Peter put her in the playpen and closed the door so she couldn't get out. He left her in there for awhile, so I decided to get her out and have a talk with her. The reason she was in there in the first place was because she kept disobeying me and whining. She was bawling the whole time out, and as soon as I walked in she asked, "Where did Mommy go?" Sheesh. Broke my heart. And I'm POSITIVE it wasn't meant to be manipulative. I think she was genuinely sad that I had left her in time out.

Anyway, I've always been against spanking. I do smack her on the hand when she is physically aggressive, but we've never spanked her. I was so close to the end of my rope with her today that I came really close. I think that it would've been bad if I'd done it, just because I was SO frustrated that it would've been out of anger. I think we really need to buckle down on her, though. She's getting a little too feisty - the kind that's not cute. She is Miss Sassy Pants, that's for sure. She is exhausting me these days. I'm physically exhausted from being so emotionally exhausted. Too many people need me, exclusively me, these days.

On a lighter note, she's sleeping in her big girl bed by herself for the 3rd night in a row. Hooray! And Matthew decided to go down for the night at 8:30 tonight! Hooray! So Peter's at the shepherds' meeting/basketball, and I actually have some free time alone. I will NOT do the dishes, I will NOT clean up the toys. I'm going to eat chocolate and watch So You Think You Can Dance.

My best friend from childhood Irene was in Houston for the day yesterday and had dinner with us. Guess what she got me. Pee pee teepees. She didn't even know I had mentioned it in a previous entry. Hilarious. Also a onesie that says I Might Barf from the same company as Ellie's I Can't Read onesie. There's nothing like using your helpless infants for your own amusement.

So for those of you who comment on my blog, I'm going to do a survey. Who in the world does Matthew look like?!? He doesn't even look like the same person in his pictures. Here are some. Please input your suggestions. So far the most common is that his eyes look Jung and the bottom of his face looks like my side of the family, specifically my mom's side. He has this chin flesh that NO ONE has (actually, my mom said Uncle Joong Jin does have that chin). But the suggestions vary depending on whether or not people know my relatives. Those who don't know my extended family tend to say he kinda looks like Danny, but because his eyes are so different, I can't see it. Paul thinks he looks like Daniel Jung, but I see resemblence ONLY in the eyes. Anyway, let me know what you think. If I didn't see him come out of my body, I'd be suspicious about a baby switch. That first picture is frpm his 2nd week, by the way.


At 8:38 PM, Blogger ciaoirene said...

Probably didn't help that I was stifling my laughter at dinner. She seems to enjoy her time outs. Like mother, like daughter - a creative mind always knows how to entertain herself!


At 11:51 PM, Blogger jieungrace said...

I have no clue who Matthew looks like. Give it another month. Let's see how he changes...

At 5:47 PM, Blogger slugnut said...

i think he looks like a miniature version of the Stay Puff marshmallow man (asian style)...


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