A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Getting back to normal

No more houseguests. Everyone who was staying with us for extended periods of time have come and gone. As much as I appreciated everyone's help, it'll be good to try to get back to "normal" routine again.

Ellie slept by herself in the big girl bed last night. Granted, Peter had to literally lock her in (he only locked her bedroom door at first, but she ran through the bathroom that connects her room to Matthew's and came right out). We had a talk about it this morning, and she said she would be OK with sleeping in her big girl bed by herself. We'll see.

We have AC again! We suffered about 4 days without AC downstairs, so we were all sleeping upstairs. Peter has since decided we will all continue to sleep upstairs in various rooms since it seems easier (read - cheaper) to cool the upstairs than downstairs.

I'm wearing some normal clothing again. I have about 3 non-elasticized bottoms that I can wear regularly. Hooray. I actually have GAINED weight, despite getting a little smaller. Sad. I have number issues with sizes, too. I don't know if I can psychologically handle going up a size...

Here are a couple of pictures from this weekend. Maggie took, like, a bajillion pictures of my children doing nothing in particular - Ellie picking her nose was a favorite of Maggie's. She does it CONSTANTLY. Maggie and Marshall also got Matthew this basketball jersey outfit for U of O. It's sized 6-9 months but was gigantic and fit Ellie. She's wearing it, but doing "Hook Em" with her hands, a newly acquired skill she's very proud of. Matthew will frantically look at nothing every so often. He's so desperate to see whatever that he cranes his neck and opens his eyes really wide. You can't help but look, and it's usually, like, wall. Wow, Matthew looks really jaundiced...


At 11:30 PM, Blogger jieungrace said...

Who does Matthew look like??

At 4:18 PM, Blogger slugnut said...

that picture of Ellie picking her nose reminds me of those (really) old "pick a winner!" t-shirts...

At 6:30 PM, Blogger jungho said...

i hear matthew looks like his handsome uncle marshall...

... that's a nice pic of ellie with the oregon outfit... a texas gal with a touch of the NW. doesn't get better than that, no?


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