A day in the life...

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Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, May 05, 2006

Getting better!

So now I have two children. Did I mention that? Yes, I am the mother of two. Crazy.

Things have been getting better. My boobs have started making less milk, although they still look like torpedoes coming out of my chest. My pooch is getting smaller, although I still can't wear non-elasticized clothing. The baby is sleeping longer, although he won't let Peter soothe him when he's fussy. Ellie is being really good about everything, although she makes me color with her for about two hours everyday.

There are definitely some nice things about having two. For one, it's so sweet to see Ellie with baby bubber. She's so excited to see him in the mornings. She loves helping me change his diapers and is totally unoffended if I leave her to tend to him. He was just hanging out on the couch, sleeping in the Boppy the other day. I was trying to check my email. I heard Ellie talking, so I went to check on them. She was reading one of her Dora books to him. She sings Twinkle Twinkle to him all the time. Yesterday we were playing Ring Around the Rosy (one of the scariest songs ever, by the way) when Matthew started crying. She goes, "Mommy, go hold Baby Bubber!" I said, "We can finish Ring Around the Rosy first." She responds, "No, Mommy. Baby Bubber crying. Go hold Baby Bubber." So sweet, I almost cried (I'm ridiculously hormonal and emotional these days).

Then it's just nice having a little baby again. I totally didn't have baby fever in the slightest when I got pregnant, but I'm enjoying it. For one thing, I'm not stressed out over every grunt he makes or every little red spot that appears on him. It's nice to cuddle him and know that he's completely dependent on me. He smells good, too.

The hardest thing lately is getting time to myself. They usually are both sleeping during Ellie's nap, so I have that brief moment. Otherwise, one of them constantly needs/wants me for something. I can't imagine what it's like having 3 or more. Sheesh. But it is hard being a constant mom. I sort of feel like I'm nothing else. What was it like being a wife? Or just a person at that? I'm pretty sure it didn't involve breastmilk or Dora the Explorer.

I'm also fairly certain that I'm done having kids. I'm pretty satisfied with one of each. All our friends are saying we'll have more for sure, but I'm actually really content right now.

The good definitely outweighs the bad. Ellie's prayers are the same every night, but it sums it up pretty well - Dear Jesus, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Baby Bubber, my FAMILY. Amen. Actually, that's her pre-meal prayer, but still. How can that not make you thankful for what you have?

Here are a couple new pictures of my two children. Here they are enjoying some time together and on our first family outing to the pool. Ellie is 5 shades darker already. Matthew's not even close to fitting into his hat.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger slugnut said...

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At 10:35 PM, Blogger slugnut said...

yay! i was finally able to login (trying to login with the wrong username this whole time).

so it sounds like Ellie really likes having Baby Bubber around. (side note: i thought it said "Baby Blubber" at first and thought to myself "that's strange".) it's good to hear that everything is going well with the kids. i agree that Ring Around the Rosy is sorta morbid. btw, please dress up Matthew as some sorta vegetable this Halloween. For some reason seeing kids dressed up as fruits and vegetables makes me laugh...

sorry for the random comments...I'm tired.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger sunju said...

I might borrow Ryan's pea in a pod costume for Matthew. That's really the cutest vegetable...

At 11:25 AM, Blogger ciaoirene said...

Finally! I was beginning to wonder if Baby Bubber had a name. Yay for Matthew. :)


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