A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, April 28, 2006


So in case you haven't heard, I had another baby. Oops. I woke up early and was having contractions on Tuesday, so in we went. I spent the morning bawling over my lack of preparedness and separation anxiety with Ellie, stressing over what to bring to the hospital, calling friends to make sure I was REALLY have contractions, and just sitting around in shock. Peter spent the morning getting Ellie fed, then surfing the internet. Not really for anything pregnancy/labor related, but just for fun. Interesting how the different genders react.

Anyway, I always used to brag that I had never experienced a contraction, nor ever expected to. I have now. I could've gone the rest of my life without. Not fun. Fortunately they only lasted a few hours since my OB was able to schedule my C-section in during her lunch break.

So now we're home. Having two kids is a lot harder than having just one. And even though you've been through it before, it doesn't make having the second baby uneventful. Here are some things that amazed me or I found especially striking during this whole process. (Warning - some are shamelessly graphic.)
  • Wearing grown up diapers and mesh panties is not as humiliating the second time around.
  • Peeing after having a catheter removed is the MOST refreshing feeling in the world. Ahh.
  • Uncircumcised penises are very strange looking. On the same note, newborn scrotums are really freaky looking.
  • Chewing a chocolate chip cookie really thoroughly before swallowing is not the same as adhering to a liquid diet.
  • Two year olds can comprehend "gentle touch" only to a certain extent.
  • Blisters on your nipples are not fun.
  • I had lost 15 pounds after day two. On day three when my milk came in, I gained 3 back.
  • By my fifth month of pregnancy, my stomach was out further than my boobs. By my 4th post partum day, my boobs are further out than my stomach.
  • You really can love your second child as much as the first. It's different, but it's there.
  • Sleeping by yourself upstairs in a big girl bed is NOT as fun as sleeping downstairs in the same bed as mommy and daddy.
  • Helpful mothers-in-law are still mothers-in-law.

Baby #2 is awake and ready to eat. Duty calls!


At 10:39 AM, Blogger ciaoirene said...

Remind me again why I want to have kids?



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