A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My little manipulator

I just found out I can set this so that non-members can post comments. Please post comments so I don't feel like I'm pouring my heart out into nothingness...

Unfortunately, Ellie has decided to start sleeping in our bed again. At least, she wants to fall asleep in our bed. It started last Monday when she finally let Peter put her to bed (which really just involved singing a song and placing her in her crib) instead of me. But he got all excited and let her cuddle with him in our bed instead. Then she woke up a little later and cried, which I normally ignore. He went in to comfort her and lay next to her until she fell asleep again. Then half an hour later, I hear her turning on the lamp on the nightstand, getting ready to read. He goes in AGAIN and stays with her until she falls asleep, then puts her in the crib. 20 minutes later, she's screaming, "DADDY!" At this point, I thought something was wrong, so I went in. She looks at me calmly and says, "I no want sleep in Ellie's bed. I sleep in Mommy's bed." At this point it's nearly midnight, so I just let her sleep in our bed. OK, I accept partial blame.

Since then, she only wants to sleep in our bed. And she's figured out that if she says she wants to cuddle with Daddy at bedtime, he'll give in. She also knows that Daddy will give her pretty much any snack she wants, so she works it. Right now she's screaming because we put her in the crib again. Wish us luck with the transition to the big girl bed. In her own room, nonetheless.

Somehow she indirectly convinced Peter to get her that playground. It was so hot today that we filled up her wading pool so she could play while Peter worked (since, yes, he has given up on the drill bit). Here she is in her "simming poo" with the playground in the background. At least she's grateful. She said "Thank you for my simming poo, Daddy" on her on today, then thanked him for the swing as well. It kind of makes up for a little bit of the manipulating.


At 11:52 PM, Blogger jieungrace said...

Wow, it's that hot to be in a bathing suit and play in the swimming pool??! I hate our weather at the moment. Rain rain rain. Your mom is over at our place now. She keeps calling Abby "Ellie." Like constantly. Almost every time. Hard habit to break. :)

At 11:41 PM, Blogger ciaoirene said...



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