A day in the life...

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Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thank goodness for Bohemian chic

The other day I was mentioning to Peter that I had lost 23 pounds. Ellie overheard me and kept saying "23 pounds", as in, "I want 23 pounds." "Where is 23 pounds?" "I eat 23 pounds." Anyway, the next day I was looking for something. Ellie asked, "What Mommy looking? 23 pounds? Where it go?" I honestly didn't know how to answer that. Where did it go? Obviously some went with the baby, then in my pee and poo? I just said I didn't know.

So I've lost 23 pounds. Unfortunately I still have 12 to go, and my weight loss has somewhat plateaued at this point. It was great stepping on the scale and seeing daily weight loss with no effort whatsoever. Yesterday I had to go to Target and buy more elasticized waist stuff. I'm not buying nice stuff because I'm clinging to the hope that I will not need it after a couple of months. We'll see. I only gained 23 pounds when pregnant with Ellie, and that weight came off right away. The biggest problem is my butt and thighs. People say it's good when your butt gets bigger during pregnancy so it balances out your stomach and prevents back problems. But now most of my stomach is gone, and the butt and thighs remain. I can't pull my clothes up over them. Depressing.

But this Bohemian peasant-y look is in, so at least there are cute options for me out there. I found all kinds of elasticized skirts and stuff. Unfortunately only a few were on the clearance rack at Target (that's where I shop!), but at least there were some cuter things to choose from. I still have to wear a sweatshirt tied around my waist, though.

Oh, and then I have to wear tank tops because I start sweating in anything with sleeves. BUT, the tank tops have to be long enough to cover the pooch, the straps have to be wide enough to cover the nursing bra, and it has to be cotton so I can wash out the spit up. Just another glamorous aspect of being a mom. Sigh.


At 3:43 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

i think "Bohemian chic" only applies to the ladies. i'm sure i would get more than a fair share of stares if i dressed like a peasant.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger ciaoirene said...

I just got the baby announcement! Cute!


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