A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, June 05, 2006

I need a hobby.

We left both children for the first time yesterday. Poor Gina. It's not easy getting a sitter for one kid, but for two... there are only a few people in our lives that we can sucker into it. Like I told her and Sammy, baby-sitting is the best birth control.

Anyway, we went and saw an Agatha Christie play, Witness for the Prosecution. REALLY good. They have Sunday matinee shows that are captioned, and Peter got tickets for free. Can't ask for more. After the show, I was all inspired. Not to act or anything, but to be involved with local theater - like doing PR type stuff. Then I realized I have no experience or expertise in it at all, so it probably wouldn't work out. Then I remembered that I have two children, one whom I breastfeed every 3 hours. Another reason it wouldn't work out.

If anyone plowed through my previous entry, you'll know that I'm all intrigued by adoption now. I want to be an adoption advocate, but I don't necessarily want to adopt. Really, the main reason is because at this point, I cannot even fathom having an additional child in our family. Like, ever. Who knows? That may change once I get past Matthew's terrible twos, but at this point, just plain no. Could I even be an advocate for adoption if I was neither an adoptee or an adopter? I think it would lessen the impact I could make. It'd be like a non-Christian evangelizing. OK, maybe that's a step too far.

I think I'm just itching to have some sort of life outside of my kids again. I want something to do. Not just making birth announcements at home in between naps, tantrums, and feedings. I feel like I want to get out of the house and just... DO SOMETHING. It doesn't even have to be something impactful or important. Go to Bally's regularly again (this not-going-away 15 pounds is really starting to bug me). I read Dave Hong's blog about his salsa dancing, and that inspired me too. Julie and I actually took a hip hop dance class 5 years ago with all these very white white teenage girls. I sucked, but it was fun. Why oh why can't people in Houston still swing (dance, that is)? I was good at that.

I looked into Mommy and Me ballet classes. They don't exist, in Houston at least. So I thought to myself, I'll start one! Then I remembered again, I have neither experience nor expertise. Boo. That would've been fun.

I guess the most realistic option at this time is Bally's. :( Sad. Not my first choice. Definitely the one most in need of immediate attention. All my low-rise bottoms no longer fit on my extra large hips, so they hoist up to my waist, making me look like an ajuma. Which I technically am, seeing as I have two children. Plural.

I have my 6 week follow up exam tomorrow. We'll see what the doctor says about working out again. Maybe she'll say I can't do it. Cross your fingers.


At 12:08 AM, Blogger jieungrace said...

You should TEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or start a daycare. haha.


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