A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, June 09, 2006

So I Wish I Could Dance and Yucky Galveston

WHO'S EXCITED?!!? I'm talking about So You Think You Can Dance, of course. Is anyone watching this besides me? Hawk was robbed, I think. So what if he only had a student visa? Could the dance lessons not count as school? He was in the same dance group as Ryan from last year. And what accent did he have? The Asian thing throws you off, but it's either British or Australian, I'm pretty sure.

Anyone else notice that there's only, like, two pretty girls? Guess they actually were looking for talent. I'm going for the goofy looking swing dancer, but I think the blond guy with the mohawk is going to do really well. The goofy swing dancer went on an extended mission trip a couple of years ago and came back to find his girlfriend (who said she'd wait for him) was marrying another guy. And he wasn't bitter! Come on now, what a show, showcasing wonderful people like that dancing!

I'm so excited I'm giddy.

We went to Moody Gardens today to use our season passes before they expired. Can I just say Galveston is pretty much really yicky? Aside from all the fake stuff at Moody Gardens, I don't like going to Galveston at all. The mosquitoes are pumped on steroids or something. They're as fat as flies. They were in the 2nd floor hallway of the hotel where we stayed. And the elevator.

And a bird pooped on me for the first time in my life! Have you seen that commercial for Windex where the birds are tricking other birds into flying into windows? I swear it's true that they know exactly what they're doing. I was the ONLY person sitting in this large COVERED area. What are the chances, really? Sick. I blame the grossness of Galveston.

Galveston prompts two emotions in me - disgust and sadness. Disgust at the mere disgustingness of it. Sadness because there are people playing on the beach right by the highway that think that it's really a beach. Yucky smelly water, 5 feet of hard packed sand, then highway. Sad.

At least Ellie had fun at the fake beach. They shipped in tons of sand from Florida and put it around a swimming pool, essentially. It's the only beach in Galveston I'd go to...


At 9:13 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

the guy wasn't bitter at all?? that's pretty amazing...

you and i feel the same about Galveston.


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