A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


First of all, did anyone else watch the Spelling Bee last week? I only started watching it at the final 3. I would've watched it all if I'd known about it. I seriously was about to throw up, I was so nervous for these girls. Ursprache.

Just thought I'd write some of the funny things Ellie's doing these days. Despite her tantrums and ordering me around, she's still mostly enjoyable.

She was playing phone the other day and answered it, "Hello? Whuddup!"

We were listening to her Sesame Street CD and the song Fuzzy and Blue (sung by Grover, Herry, and Cookie Monster) came on. She declared she was fuzzy and pink.

She was licking this gum Peter keeps in his desk, so I decided I'd let her try. I gave her half a piece and told her to keep it in her mouth and not swallow it. She chewed it a few times and I asked, "Is it still there?" She opened her mouth to show me. Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Showed me. Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Showed me. Chewed. "Don't swallow it." "I swallow it. Lemme try again." Another half piece. Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Chewed. "Don't swallow it." "I swallow it. Let me try again." Another half piece. Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Chewed. "Don't swallow it." Chewed. "Don't swallow it." "I swallow it." "No more gum for you."

She knows how to mambo, from watching Dora. "March in place, march in place, march in place. Wiggle your hips, wiggle your hips, wiggle your hips. Circle your hands, circle your hands, circle your hands." She's actually pretty good. Gets it from me.

Peter started telling her stories at bedtime that consist of "Once upon a time there was a girl named Ellie..." then continue with stuff she did that day. Ellie now tells me stories, "Wunnapunna tie... there was Mommy... and ice cream... and EVERYBODY share. The end."

When Gina and Sammy took my kids to house church and they started prayer time, Ellie said in a loud voice, "Dear God..." and at the end of the prayer she said, "The end."

At my follow up visit to the OB, she watched attentively as they took my weight and blood pressure. As we walked to the exam room she asked, "No pee pee in a cup?"

"Ellie" is spelled ELYC. "Mommy" is spelled ELYC. However, "too hard spell Daddy."


At 3:39 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

wow, she's going to be so different from the way i remember her. i'm looking forward to this weekend!


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