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Saturday, June 17, 2006

A little obsessive

Ellie's been much better. In fact, yesterday she didn't whine or cry once. She actually caught herself starting to when she couldn't get a book off the shelf. She stopped and said, "Help me, please." Yes! So I have hope that it was just a bad day. My dad asked if it was something hormonal... I think he was implying she had something PMS related. You know, because she's TWO.

Matthew started doing this goofy smile the other day. He opens his mouth and squints his eyes. The corners of his mouth don't necessarily go up, but you can tell he's happy. Like last week we left him with my mom to go out to dinner. When we came home, he was all panting and kicking and flailing his arms about. Completely straight-faced, but ecstatically happy. It was kinda funny. Sweet to know he missed me.

But anyway, what I really want to talk about is So You Think You Can Dance. They got rid of Stanislav. I looked it up online because I am apparently the only one I know who follows the show religiously. They said he didn't have enough personality. They changed the show format. The biggest change is that the judges assigned permanent partners (permanent until one is eliminated, that is, then I guess they just pair up the people who lost their partners). Then, instead of having the judges pick the bottom two couples the first night and America voting off the two people the second night, they have America vote for the bottom 3 couples, and the judges eliminate the people.

This new system seems flawed to me. First of all, I have major issues with the assigned partners. There's the obviously charismatic couple, the overly-confident and really talented couple, the kinda immature and technically weak couple... I don't know how they were assigned, but it's SOO subjective. I think they made it too easy for certain people to be successful. I do like it that the judges end up eliminating, though. At least they can ensure that the least talented people (not the least liked) will be out.

I've invested way too much time and thought into this show. Does ANYONE care about it like I do? Probably not.


At 2:05 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

i have no doubt that ALL "reality" tv shows are rigged in one way or another.


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