A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Today was a day full of frustration. Ellie woke up from her nap super cranky and was the most attitudiest (new word) she's ever been. Seriously, just nonstop whining and crying and stuff. We were at my parents' house (more futile hopes of getting errands run without kids), and she was being just terrible. My dad was trying to watch this movie, but she wanted to watch Dora. Then she wanted dried blueberries, but my mom only had fresh ones. Then she didn't want to go shopping, but she didn't want to stay there, but she didn't know where she wanted to go. Then much crying and whining and frustrating of the mommy. Argh.

My dad has this thing about conditional love for his grandchildren. He would always tell Ellie when she was an infant that Grandpa only loved her when she was clean and happy and good. Fortunately for us all, she was that way most of the time (how I long for those days again). UNfortunately for her now, she's quite a terrible two. Unfortunately for Matthew as well, he fusses a lot if he's awake and not held. Hope Danny and Jieun's baby is clean and happy and good...

Anyway, one good thing came out of it. I got recognition from both my parents as being "superwoman" for having the ability to handle two sometimes crazy children. And I stopped myself from spanking in anger again. Again as in, I stopped myself again. I've never actually spanked her... yet. I was so at the end of my rope with her. She didn't want me to unbuckle her seatbelt, but she didn't want to stay in the car. So she was dangling from her carseat on her tummy for awhile, crying. Then she wanted me to hold her, but I wouldn't until she apologized. I asked if she was going to say sorry to Mommy, and she flat out said NO. It was the first time she'd rebelled against me. I would've cried had I not be infuriated with her.

After a very long time out, an actually sincere apology to Mommy, and many hugs, she was back to normal. She has fun at home with her toys and generally behaves. She even went to bed without an argument (although I did give in and read 4 instead of the standard 2 books). Maybe she was just tired? I dunno.

So she went to bed happily and I excitedly settled down to watch my So You Think You Can Dance results show on DVR... only to find out that the recording cut off the results for the guys! ARGH! They don't post the results online until the next day, I think, for Hawaii viewers' sake. Who watched? What happened?!

So that was my rough day. By the way, superwoman also managed to go to the grocery store, cook dinner, do dishes, put Ellie to bed by myself, clean the house somewhat, clean the toilets, and take a shower. Thank you very much.


At 3:09 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

sorry, i don't know the results of the show, but i can tell you this...

i'm glad i will never be a mom.


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