A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The ambitious potty trainer

So I started off bribing with jellybeans. By noon of the second day, Ellie had eaten 12 jellybeans. Change of plans. I made a chart with 25 squares on it. For each potty, she got to put on a sticker. Then when she filled it, she would get Dora's Talking Backpack (I put a picture of the toy on the chart so she would be reminded).

She had just peed before I made the chart, so we went ahead and put one sticker on it. Then she said she wanted to go again. I was doubtful and didn't want her to feel bad, so I tried to discourage her. She insisted, so I put her back on the potty and lo and behold, there was pee pee. We cheered, we danced, we put on a sticker. Then she said she wanted to go AGAIN. I tried to explain that your body doesn't always have pee pee in it and such, but again she insisted. So we sat down, she grimaced, and sure enough, there was more pee pee. Three stickers in ten minutes.

Three things I realized from this experience. 1) Whereas she only needed about 4 diaper changes a day before, the thrill of getting stickers has somehow caused her bladder to shrink. By the end of day 2 of the chart, we now have 13 stickers. 2) She obviously did not inherit my lack of ambition that my mom always gripes about. Sheesh. I didn't even know you could will your body to produce more urine. 3) Ellie probably could've been potty trained awhile ago. I just didn't put the effort into it. Dora's Potty Book helped.

So my show is over. Fairly anti-climactic as Benji won, like I expected. My DVR did cut off the last few minutes, after which I completely panicked, but I checked the message boards and found I didn't really miss anything.

BTW, these message board people are INSANE. They write fictional stories about the contestants and are convinced that Donyelle and Benji are a couple. They swore that Benji would propose during the finale. OK, crazies!

Now what do I do on Wednesdays?


At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay ellie! so proud of her!
btw, what was up with the whole..."sorry, you are not america's favorite dancer"...i was like huh? was it like that last year? why not just wait til the very end, have all four lined up, and then announce the winner. i found that a bit strange/awkward...esp when donyelle was up there and before even cat announced that she wasn't the winner, benji and travis walk out on the side. huh? oh well--either way, it was fun to watch. my dvr cut the last minute so i didn't know what else celine said but i was just happy to see alli/ivan perform again. can't wait til next season...and yes, good question, what to look forward to on wednesdays? i'm excited about my thursday recordings though(survivor and grey's anatomy)..that's it. :)


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