A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy progress

I'm happy to report that things in my life (and my kids' lives) are progressing nicely. Firstly, I am now able to eat fruit again without writhing in discomfort and pain for hours afterwards. Hooray! This makes a big difference in my life. I've been eating peaches everyday.

I am now also officially pregnant looking. I'm pretty sure I'm past the "Is she pregnant or just fat" phase as moms at school are now asking if I'm expecting. Moms who've been there know you don't just ask anyone that question. Unfortunately, I've been too tired (aka lazy) to go through my maternity clothes, so I'm wearing the same 4 bottoms everyday. And my butt has gotten gigantic. So not cute. I'm sure I'm ruining my non-maternity clothes by stretching out the butts and the stomachs. Oh well.

Matthew is somewhat converting to one-nap status. This is good in that the kids sleep at the same time (as opposed to tag teaming, which left me with no breaks). This is bad in that I only get one Matthew break a day. That's actually not that bad, because the boy is fairly good at entertaining himself at home. Another thing is he's getting better at sharing! He actually gave Ellie the last fruit snack today, which shocked both of us. Last week he got his first time out, which seemed to do something for him. He kinda gets it a little better when he's about to be in trouble. I wish I'd videotaped it. It was so cute. Sad when he realized he was being punished and started wailing, but sad in a hilarious way. Ellie and I had to hide because we were laughing so hard.

Ellie is a great big sister. This is not anything that's changed, but it's just a thing I like to talk about. I really lucked out with her. She just adores Matthew and is so good at helping him. Now when he can't do anything, he immediately calls for her. "Ahyee! Ammee!" (Ellie, help me!) Seriously, I'm amazed sometimes at how she'll drop what she's doing to help him, or do something for him, or get him things. She sort of prides herself on being bigger and more capable, which is something I obviously play up. We can't wait to see how she'll be with the baby. Four years is a pretty big age difference. I think she'll be like his second mom. She's this crazy nurturing 3-year old. Even her teacher was impressed that she and Matthew hug and she gives him a kiss before and after school each day.

And finally, I've beaten Eugene Byon at Scrabulous in both games we've played. I don't know why victory against him is sweeter than with others, but it sure is! Ha ha ha!

Life is good these days. Can't complain.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger connie kim said...

chris, it's SOOOO good to hear that you're doing so well...i can't believe that ticker is alreay halfway!!! crazy how fast time flies...i feel like you JUST told us you're preggers. i'm glad you're able to enjoy fruit...i HAD to have fruit everyday...esp. strawberries, peaches, and watermelon.


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