A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Musings on California, Part 1

We just got back from our week-long trip to SoCal yesterday. We all slept in this morning, Matthew (who wakes up at 7:00 on the dot) slept until a luxurious 11:15.

The trip made me think a lot. Mostly about how I dislike LA and would never live there, how unjustly beautiful and idyllic San Diego is, how we're never going to be able to travel with three kids, and how I'm definitely no longer Californian.

First of all, I'd like to proudly share that I SURVIVED the trip. We knocked out two theme parks, slept at least two hours less than normal per day (the kids, I mean), and even ate Korean food. The day before we left, I was so exhausted and out of it, I was convinced Peter would have to take the kids to Legoland on his own. I was also afraid of barfing on the plane, not being able to eat anything, and being non-functional. I don't know if it's because we kept busy, but I had almost all good food days and attended both theme parks.

Another proud announcement was that Ellie was almost always good. She had one day with tantrums, but the rest of the days, she cooperated and behaved. Even at Disneyland, she didn't once complain about standing in line or waiting. We actually waited the longest to meet three princesses (about an hour), and she was so excited the whole time she didn't even think to complain.

Disneyland, by the way, went remarkably well. We got in around 9, rode a bunch of rides where we didn't have to wait, then did the whole Princess thing for a couple of hours (genius marketing, the Princess thing). We went to our hotel at 1:15, slept until 4:45 (miracle that everyone cooperated with this), came back to the park at 7, hardly waited in lines for anything, and ended up riding, like 11 things. We also missed the peak heat and peak line lengths, which was great. The weather was actually pretty cool in the morning, and definitely cool in the evening. Ideal.

NOT ideal was being on an airplane with Matthew. He had a 40-minute tantrum on the way there. We booked a 9pm flight, thinking the kids would sleep the whole time. Unfortunately, Matthew is only able to sleep by himself in a crib. He didn't want me touching him, but he didn't want me to put him down. He was so exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. It was really sad, actually. Finally he fell asleep around 11 Houston time, then woke up when we got to the airport (and ran into Matt, strangely). On the way back, we brought on a carseat and strapped him down for 3/4ths of the flight. That worked out better for everyone, except Peter then had to hold Ellie the entire flight. See, we just need to get him his own seat, which means we have to pay more and split up. Argh. No easy solution. I guess don't travel anymore. That'd be easy.

Now we are all happy to be home. Peter has today off, so we're having a really lazy day. Matthew was THRILLED to see his toys and sleep in his bed. He was running around excitedly all night last night, yelling, "Ball! Backpack! Ball! This!" at everything. Then he slept 13.5 hours. I have tons of laundry and unpacking to do. Better get to it. I'm feeling too lazy to write anything else.

In conclusion - good trip. I'm thankful it was so good since we seriously aren't going to be able to travel as a family for many years to come...
Here's my favorite picture from our trip. Matthew, post-brunch at the Huntington Garden tea room, his scalp smothered in various fruit juices and creamy sandwich fillings, is ready for a nap. Good times.


At 10:16 AM, Blogger jieungrace said...

I still thought it was hilarious that you and Peter took the time to take a picture of your son feeling miserable AND laughed about it, AND passed around the camera to everyone else at the table so we could all laugh. It's a good reminder that you just have to laugh through parenting sometimes. Plus, Matthew is such as well-adjusted, bouncy, happy kid. It was great hanging out!!!!

At 7:12 AM, Blogger lauren'smommy said...

i wish i was a fly on the wall in disney land...looks like ellie just *loved* getting the autographs....cute pics....the pic of matty is classic!


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