A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, May 31, 2007

At least I didn't yell.

You know, I'm not a big yeller. Maybe it's because my family didn't really yell growing up, maybe it's because being with Peter has made me eerily calm in times of frustration, maybe it's because I'm remarkably patient with my children. But today, I really wanted to yell. I didn't, because I'm not a yeller. But I wanted to.

We dropped off my car at the dealership yesterday to take care of a bunch of random weird things. Note: don't get a Volkswagen. They suck. I told Peter to call ahead and tell them we were coming in. He didn't, so when we got there, they told us that there was no way they'd get to it today, but that we could leave it overnight. Peter said that'd be fine, then we listed our grievances (five), and Peter said he only wanted things fixed that were under the seven-year warranty we'd foolishly purchased (which I'm sure will end up being NOTHING, as has been our experience in the past... well, six years). They guy said he'd call with an estimate. He has yet to call.

So with one car, we decided today would go as follows: The kids wake up at 8, as usual. We feed them, clothe them, brush their teeth, get them out the door at 8:45. Drop Peter off at work, then go visit Lynette in the hospital, then go back to Peter's office at 10:00 so Ellie could give Hailey emotional support at her appointment. Then go to Grandma's so Matthew could take his morning nap, and Ellie and I would go to Costco to shop for house church tomorrow. Eat lunch with Grandma and Grandpa, then have Ellie fall asleep on the way home for her nap, and put Matthew down an hour or so later for his afternoon nap. By the time they wake up, it'd be 4:00, then we could play with the grandparents until time to pick up Peter around 5:30 or 6:00. Come home, eat dinner, hang out with Joe, HaYoung and the girls (in town for Gene's wedding), put the kids to bed, watch So You Think You Can Dance.

Here's what happened: We wake up at 8:25, completely startled that neither child is awake. Ellie wakes up at 8:35, goes in Matthew's room, wakes him up, turns off his nightlight, leaves the room, and scares him so that he's screaming bloody murder. 8:45 only Peter is dressed, Ellie has taken a giant dump in her overnight Pull-Ups, Matthew is inhaling his 8 oz. of warm milk. 8:55 Ellie is dressed, I'm brushing my teeth, Matthew is crying because I'm not holding him, Peter is attempting to load the children into the car. 9:10 we drop off Peter late, then drive around in multiple circles to find a parking spot. 9:20 we get to Lynette's room, where Matthew insists on eating a cookie I brought for the boys. Then another. Then he proceeds to throw several pieces of dduk on the floor. 10:00 we get to Peter's office, where Ellie successfully convinces Hailey to not only get measured (she refused to do so at her 3-year exam), but get a physical exam as well (Peter had them both lying on the exam table together).

10:40 we get to Grandma's. Grandpa is home, so Matthew is ridiculously excited to see him. After 5 minutes, I put him in his pack and play, and he screams at the top of his lungs for 15 minutes. I give up and let him play. 12:00 Grandma returns home, we decide to go out for lunch. Ellie is already whining and complaining due to tiredness and general crankiness. 12:45 We get to Santong snacks, where Ellie announces she does not like the food and will not eat. Matthew takes the filling out of two giant dumplings, throws them on the floor, and smooshes up the rest of the pieces all over himself. 1:45 we leave, Matthew falls asleep on the way home. 2:00 I drive Ellie around to make her fall asleep (and to pick up a latte). 2:10 Ellie wakes up as I move her to a bed at Grandma's. She stays in bed for half an hour, but sings and talks to herself the entire time. 2:40 Matthew wakes up, due to Ellie's loudness.

3:15 I take Ellie to Costco while Matthew stays with Grandma (who feeds him constantly for the next hour and a half). We end up buying ridiculous amounts of food. 4:15 we get back to discover Matthew nearly delirious, but extremely hyper. I spend the next hour entertaining them and keeping them out of Grandpa's hair, as he is trying to get some work done. 5:15 I call Peter to discover he will not be done for another hour or so. 6:15 I call Peter to discover he will not be done for another hour or so. 6:16 I angrily lament not putting Matthew down for a nap, but decide the children will fall asleep in the car on the way home.

6:30 tired Grandma kicks us out of the house, saying she will give Peter a ride so I should just take the children home. Ellie has a fit, saying she wants to pick up Daddy. 6:45 I begin driving around, trying to get the kids to fall asleep. Ellie insists on talking the entire time, despite my threats, and keeps both of them awake. 7:15 we pick up Peter, then drive home with both children awake and ready to play. 7:30 Matthew is placed as lovingly as possible in his crib, after which he proceeds to scream bloody murder for 15 minutes. Ellie is playing to her heart's content. 7:45 I warm up some milk for Matthew, feed him, put him to bed, then announce to Peter that if I have to put Ellie to bed, I will lose it. Ellie overhears and starts freaking out that she wants Mommy to put her to bed. I calmly threaten to go on a trip and not come back for a week if she continues such behavior. 8:00 Peter takes her to get some food and theoretically drive her to sleep. 8:59 (now) he comes home with a finally sleeping child.

Not a good day. I still haven't eaten dinner. I just keep thinking of all the things I have to do... Not a good day. At least I didn't yell. That was the highlight of my day. Argh.


At 7:27 PM, Blogger connie kim said...

but back to the most important thing....did you get to watch So You think you can dance??!!!!
hehe ;)

At 7:57 PM, Blogger munlikefun said...

so after you get the yelling out of your system and some food inside u, let's go over some of the choice performances on SYTYCD.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger sunju said...

Turns out Ellie did NOT fall asleep with Peter. Two minutes after she was put in her bed, she came out requesting water and Mommy. Peter had apparently told her that Mommy would "be right back," a trick we used when she was two (she'd fall asleep waiting) that no longer works.

Still have yet to watch SYTYCD. I never watch Fox, so I didn't even realize it had started up again. I just happened to come across it, thank goodness! I'm thinking Benji's sister is going to get a lot of hype...


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