A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My average boy

Danny read an article saying that you're not supposed to tell your kid he/she is smart, or he/she will be afraid to fail or something in the future. So my parents kept telling their grandkids they're just average, which I think isn't really the point, either. Anyway, I think Matthew might be smart. Not to sound arrogant or anything. Ellie was really verbal as a baby, but she didn't really start talking until after she turned one. Matthew is repeating words like crazy and has about 5 functional words (mama, daddy, bap, ji-ji, aya).

I tried to teach him the Korean baby tricks when he was about 9 months, but he couldn't do them. So I stopped. When we were in California, though, I saw Abby doing them and tried again on Matthew. He could do all but gonji gonji. I had no idea! Then I felt guilty that I wasn't stimulating him intellectually enough. I guess he just reached the age of comprehending and imitating tricks. Really, it's not that impressive that he's 11 months and can clap on command, but I was impressed that he could do them on command immediately after learning them.

He's all sick and cranky these days, but I somehow got him to do a bunch of tricks on video. So here he is. Oh, and yes - our house is always that messy.


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that shirt is soooo cute!


At 12:43 AM, Blogger jieungrace said...

Great video! What a gem of a video.

At 4:57 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

nice! he's well on his way to following his namesake...a.k.a. me! haha.

btw, why is it that when we were young we could get away with allowing our noses to leak on to our lips, but now that we're older, it's socially unacceptable??

At 7:55 PM, Blogger sunju said...

Oh, Uncle Matt - you are always so jealous of my children.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger munlikefun said...

say "um-ma!" "Bap"

he's sooo cute, what a sweet face! i love it.


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