A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Center of the Universe

It's a lot of pressure being the center of someone else's universe. As flattering as it is that Ellie and Matthew always want me and love me the most (sorry, Daddy, but we can't deny the truth), it's a little scary knowing they completely depend on me and trust me with their lives. As actively involved as Peter is in their lives, I'm with them all the time, everyday (excepting when Ellie's at school, obviously). Who's going to teach them right from wrong? Good from bad? Naughty from nice? Kindness from meanness?

The other day, out of the blue, Ellie asked me, "Mommy. God and Jesus are the same?" Well, yes. But... no. But yes! How do I answer that? OK, realistically speaking, I knew that Ellie wasn't asking an advanced theological question, but is in a stage of her language comprehension where she realizes that there are synonyms and translations of the same word. Maybe not theological, but pretty intelligent just the same. Anyway, she asks me a simple question, and I momentarily panic. Will the way I answer this question be the foundation of her understanding of God and Jesus?! Should I attempt to explain the trinity?! Should I discuss God as the Father of Jesus when she was just taught that Mary and Joseph were Jesus' parents?! I'm sweating.

She goes, "Huh, Mommy?" And I simply reply, "Yes. They're the same, Ellie." "Jesus IS God?" "Yes, Ellie. Jesus is God." "Oh. Pink is my favorite color." End of discussion. Fortunately, I realized that I had to answer in a manner that her 2 1/2 year old brain would understand. And right now, theologically speaking, Jesus is God. The end.

I also realized this morning as Matthew yanked my glasses off my face that I hadn't really been using the word "no" with him. I think Ellie understood no by this age. I guess because he's just so active and was a needier infant that I just sort of let him do whatever he wanted that would keep him busy. I panicked again and thought, "Oh my gosh! It's too late now! He'll never learn to accept no for an answer!" Then I came to my senses, realized he was only 8 1/2 months old, and just kept repeating no. To which he grinned with his 6 teeth and proceeded to yank my glasses off again.

I'm not really sure what he gets at this time. Sometimes it seems like he understands. Like, he'll do peekaboo on command. But he knows how to clap, but won't ever do that on command. I don't know. Anyway, here's a video of Matthew playing peekaboo. He actually realized that hiding his face in a pillow takes less effort than lifting something to his face, so that's his new version of it.

Here's a classic pic, too, for those who hadn't checked out my flickr yet. Check out the Chai family butt and saddlebags on these babies. Sigh. They only inherit my bad features...


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