A day in the life...

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Matthew can stand!

At 13 months and 9 days, the boy finally started standing up on his own. Hopefully the walking will soon follow. Here is videographic proof, taken in our messy bathroom.

Also, I believe someone said they wanted videos of kids being naughty? This isn't premium footage, but it's a sample. Matthew does not like to share. He will turn his shoulder to whoever wants his stuff and grunt defiantly when he has, for example, a good toy, my cell phone, a book that makes sounds, any kind of beverage... Ellie, on the other hand, will share with Matthew about 90% of the time, even if he's just refused to share with her. But no matter what, they still really love each other. Have I mentioned how gratifying that is?

Speaking of, I was talking to Alice and HaYoung about having two kids, the differences between them, and connecting with one more than the other. Both say they connect better with their younger ones. I connect better with Ellie. Wonder if it's a gender thing. Sometimes I look at Matthew and wonder how he came out of me. It's weird, he just repeats, "Mommy mommy" all day, needs me to acknowledge him every 30 seconds or so in the car, only wants me in the mornings and at night, etc.

Obviously I love him to death, but I just don't know how to deal with him sometimes. Unlike Ellie, he doesn't care about rules, obeying, punishment, etc. I remember seeing parents with unruly kids and judging them like crazy. It's not like I don't TRY to discipline Matthew. He honestly couldn't care less if he gets slapped on the hand or taken away from whatever. He slaps my hand back or finds new things to do (aka eat). Sigh. It'll be interesting to see how 1)his personality develops, 2)his relationship with me develops and 3)I'll ever get him to say please.

Hope no one gets the impression I favor Ellie. I'm actually quite attached to my crazy boy these days. Seriously. Love them both to pieces, but in different ways. Didn't understand how other moms did it, but it makes sense now. Ellie is... my sweet girl. She wants to be just like me, wants to make me happy above all else. Matthew just LOVES me, NEEDS me, MUST HAVE me. Both of them drive me nuts in their own way, too, but how can you not love my kids?!


At 2:13 PM, Blogger connie kim said...

yay! congrats to matthew! i love ellie's tan.....i am so jealous......

At 12:33 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

wow! the kids are growing up so fast. it's seems like i was just out there yesterday watching Matthew crawl around everywhere. the next time i'm out there, i'm sure he'll be running to get away from me. hahah.

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so cute! it's like an ad for a gap commercial. and oh yeah, it's definitely a boy thing. boys in general just like to push boundaries and not listen. we're just rule breakers by nature.

*that's* matthew being naughty?! wow, you are doing a good job then. at least he didn't hit her or scream bloody murder when it was taken from him.


At 8:34 PM, Blogger sunju said...

Oh, there's definitely hitting at times, but it's mostly yelling with Matthew. A lot of it. At the least bit of frustration...


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