A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Matthew slept 11 hours straight the other night. That is, I turned off the monitor and didn't go to get him until 11 hours had passed. This crying it out thing is painful. I didn't mind getting 6 straight hours of sleep, though. Hooray! Thought I'd post some videos.

We changed ballet schools, following Ellie's original teacher to one of her own studios (she had quit in August). The new teacher the first school had hired was hardcore ballerina/non-nurturing preschool teacher. She actually yelled at Hailey because Hailey wanted to be held, then she yelled at Hailey and Ellie for lying on the ground. Then she made them do EVERY ballet move known to man during the 45 minutes. Ballerina Nazi teacher. Here's a video of her doing some moves.
This is another I came across from when she was about 15-16 months, I think.

I watched Akeelah and the Bee last night. Reminded me of Bring It On. And Take the Lead. And Mad Hot Ballroom (OK, that was a documentary, but still). And the TNT movie about the teacher with Chandler as the teacher. In other words, predictable and feel good to the point of cheese. It made me reminiscent of my spelling bee days. I actually went to County in 7th grade. My mom had made me study daily, and I hated it. So when I found myself in the top 4 at County, knowing the top 3 went to State, I blew it on purpose so I wouldn't have to study more. I said "f" instead of "ph". When I returned to my seat, my mom looks at me glaringly and says, "That was so obviously ph." Then she didn't speak to me for days.

There was a cold front in Houston. 2 glorious days of highs in the 80s. We're back in the 90s now. And that was fall and winter.

I'm trying to experiment more with cooking. I have to say, Food Network really inspires me. We hosted house church this week, and nearly everything I made was from some Food Network show. I forgot to salt and pepper the flank steak. Oops. Very important. Too bad there isn't a Korean food show. I think if I watched it, I'd be inspired to make more Korean.

I can't stop buying clothes for my kids. My specific weaknesses are shoes for both of them, cute tops for Ellie, and button down shirts for Matthew. You should see their shoe basket. Granted, Matthew only has 3 pairs of shoes, but the child can't even sit up yet. And Ellie has, like, 3 pairs of boots. Sigh. Gotta get a grip on this.

Ellie's stubbornness is getting stronger. Christen was over the other day, and I told Ellie not to do something in front of her. She got all haughty and wouldn't apologize or obey me. It's like she didn't want to lose her ground or something. It was pretty fascinating, actually, evidence of inherent sinfulness. It was more interesting when you take into account that she doesn't behave that way when we're alone. Another thing is that she behaves differently with Christen than her other friends. They're almost competetive with each other. I totally see them as being the catty kind of friends growing up, especially as teenagers. Love-hate, gossipy about each other, etc. Sad, isn't it?! It upsets me. Hopefully it's a phase they'll grow out of.

That's it for now. I posted some new pics on my flickr thing if anyone's interested!


At 12:32 AM, Blogger jieungrace said...

Hey Christine, sorry I haven't called you back!!!! NO TIME. Seriously, I only have time like late at night. Or when I'm driving home from work.

Anyways, I can't believe you blew a spelling bee on purpose. You were top 4! The gall! It's a privilege! What madness! OK, I'll stop the rage. It's just, I never got a chance to do stuff like that. I would have loved it. And now I'm living vicariously through my job as spelling bee coordinator at my school, helping little kids aspire to achieve their goals. That's why I might have sounded a bit ragious. teehee.

At 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did the exact same thing! my senior year of high school i was at our conference wrestling championships. i was wrestling this guy that i could totally have easily beat but i thought to myself, if i beat this guy, i'm going to have to keep wrestling. i never want to wrestle ever again.

so i basically threw the match and let him win.

i think it's a youngest child thing. we acquiesce and give in to what other people want us to do without saying no and then just end up sabotaging it instead. passive-aggressive.

i dunno, i never thought that'd be you. not that i know you very well but from the three times i've met you you seem like a person who would say what she wanted. maybe in this case you said what you wanted, your mom didn't care, and so you sabotaged it.

i was so not a wrestler. it's not that my older brother made me do it but because he did it, i guess i just followed along. i hate that sport to this day. never want to do it ever again.

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fyi the last url should be:

and "hook 'em" is not a ballet move!!! :)

At 7:20 PM, Blogger sunju said...

Ah, my complete lack of ambition... the constant thorn in my mother's side. To my chagrin, I have to admit that I regret it. A little.

At 12:26 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

i slept 11 hours the other night too!! AND my name is Matthew as well! this is just too weird...

At 4:00 PM, Blogger sunju said...

But your name ISN'T Matthew, King Kwang.

At 3:43 AM, Blogger slugnut said...

TECHNICALLY speaking...yes, but really, what's a name anyway? just a buncha sounds we choose to identify ourselves by. overrated, if you ask me. maybe i should be like Prince and just choose a symbol... :)


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