A day in the life...

In case you happened to want to know a little about my life, I am an open book.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Even in utero, I sensed a big difference between Ellie and Matthew. Matthew would pummel me internally. Like there would literally be times when he'd kick, and it felt like I got the wind knocked out of me. My OB said it was partially due to the fact that I had low amniotic fluid with Ellie that I didn't feel her so much, but Matthew was constantly moving then and hasn't stopped since.

Parents often say they feel guilty about their second/third/whatever else kids because they don't get as much attention or whatever as their firstborn. While that's true, I've also discovered that with the second, you kinda fix mistakes you made the first time around.

Ellie: I either nursed her or rocked her to sleep for a year and a half, then one of us would lie down in bed with her until she fell asleep (for awhile, it was BOTH of us) at night, or drive her around until she fell asleep for naps pretty much until very recently.
Matthew: For naps, I put him on his tummy and stick the binky in his mouth. He's out within a couple of minutes without crying. It's WONDERFUL. And he likes napping!

Ellie: I got a baby book and wrote down the dates of all the "firsts" listed (first smile, first step, first haircut, etc.).
Matthew: I got a first year calendar so whenever ANYTHING happens, I write it down. When did Ellie try butternut squash? I don't know. When did Matthew? That would be September 15!

Ellie: One of us would have to sit in the backseat with her, especially at night, as she would scream her head off in the carseat until she was about 8 months.
Matthew: Screamed his head off in the carseat until he was about 2 months. Now he's totally fine and enjoys looking at himself in the mirror.

Ellie: Rejected the bottle at 4 months due to Mommy's laziness in pumping. I couldn't be apart from her for more than a few hours... ever.
Matthew: Gets a bottle daily and chugs to his heart's content. Mommy can go shopping. Or get a pedicure.

Alice said she babied Ryan more because he was, well, her baby. I kinda feel like that, too. I don't know if it's a gender thing or what, but I feel very differently towards Matthew than I did towards Ellie at this stage. Not bad, different. Just different. I always told people that Matthew was harder than Ellie, and he was as a newborn, but he's gotten a LOT LOT easier.

Here's something interesting. I've decided that I want another baby. Not anytime in the near future, mind you. Definitely after Matthew's potty trained. I am still in my twenties, after all. I really can't foresee us stopping, although we said we would when Matthew was first born. I love babies. I love MY babies even more. Anyway, the realization of this desire was kind of a shock to me. Not unexpected to most, I'm sure.


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